New Warriewood Valley Community Centre Takes Shape, Construction Target Announced

Warriewood Valley Community Centre

Did you know that Warriewood will soon welcome the long-awaited new Warriewood Valley Community Centre, soon to replace the aging Nelson Heather Centre?

The Ageing Nelson Heather Centre to Make Way for Progress

The Nelson Heather Centre, situated at 5 Jacksons Road, Warriewood, has been a beloved community hub for years. However, due to its deteriorating condition and the need for major remediation works, the decision to replace it with the modern Warriewood Valley Community Centre was made. 

Warriewood Residents Association (WRA) President Chris Hornsby emphasised the urgent need for this transformation, explaining that the current building is sinking due to its foundation on unstable ground.

Its original tiled roof was replaced with a tin roof to help lighten the load and avoid tipping. However, the facility was still compromised and posed safety concerns for the local community. The decommissioning of the Nelson Heather Centre is currently underway, with plans to demolish the structure to pave the way for the construction of the new Warriewood Valley Community Centre. 

Community Centre with Resilience at its Core

While the project was initially slated to begin this month, construction has been delayed until April 2024, citing cost escalations in the construction industry, per Councillor Ruth Robins, representing Narrabeen Ward. 

Nonetheless, the centre will remain fully functional and include a unique feature – a resilience centre. In the event of bushfires or floods, the new facility will serve as an evacuation point, facilitating the work of the evacuation control committee.

Warriewood Valley Community Centre

The local community has played an active role in shaping the design of the new centre, with the WRA contributing suggestions that were largely incorporated into the final plans. A budget of $10.5 million has been allocated by the Northern Beaches Council for the construction, and the project aims for completion by 2025. This milestone marks the culmination of over 20 years of efforts to bring the project to fruition.

The Warriewood Valley Community Centre project has been integrated into the Warriewood Valley Development Contribution Plan Amendment 16, Revision 3, in response to the increasing demand for public facilities in the Warriewood Valley Release Area. The project’s development has been guided by feedback from residents, facility users, and key stakeholders. 

The concept plan for the new facility, exhibited for public comment in August/September 2020, was designed with sustainability principles in mind to create a modern, resilient building with versatile spaces. 

The Development Application was lodged in March 2021 and approved by the Sydney North Planning Panel in August 2021. 

The council’s resolution on 24 October 2023 solidified the selection of the preferred construction firm, Belmadar Pty Ltd, and marked the project’s transition from planning to construction.

Published 6-Nov-2023